Friday, March 29, 2013

The Start of Interim Maintenance

I've been fretting since the beginning of this week.

Here's why.

Look familiar? Yeah.

I was tempted to write a blog post about these new bruises I recently discovered on Brooklyn's shins last Sunday, but held back. In the past this blog has served as an excellent source of foreshadowing and I thought it best not to create a potential guessing game of whether or not we were looking at the R-word. It's better if you don't allow your mind to take you there.

Anyway, you'll be happy to know that Brooklyn's blood work came back perfect. She remains in remission. Of course I was a gigantic ball of nerves as we waited for her oncologist so when she finally walked through door I practically shouted "IS HER BLOOD WORK OKAY?!". She assured me it was, and that the bruises likely have less to do with the fact that she has cancer and more to do with the fact that she's been trying to keep up with her five year old half brothers hard playing ways.

So today begins phase three, also known as Interim Maintenance. It's supposed to be easy, but I suspect it will be hard on poor Brooklyn as one if the chemo meds she'll be receiving is the same one that caused her jaw, knee and back pain during phase one. I'm walking out of this clinic armed with painkillers just in case she responds the same way this time around.

This is interim maintenance-
Two shots every ten days for 6 weeks
Antibiotics on the weekends

You are reading correctly. No more chemo home care for the next 8 weeks! I could jump up and high five the air right now. So here we are,  just plugging right along. As per usual, Brooklyn is kicking cancers ass like a champ in the iconic pink headphones, striped beanie and hello kitty tee-shirt that has become somewhat of a uniform these days.