Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I have never in my life been a germaphobe. I always subscribed to the idea that germs were good for you, and getting sick was a part of life. I passed Brooklyn around at parties when she was a baby, was a heavy believer in the three second rule, and can probably count the number of times I've pulled out the thermometer on one hand. Now, during what I'm told is one of the worst flu seasons to date, I find myself in the position where even a common cold could land either one of my kids in the hospital for days. It would not be good.

Suddenly, I've become neurotic about cleanliness. In our house we wash our hands 100 times a day now. I obsessively wipe down all the surfaces, door knobs, and light switches with Clorox wipes. I wash our linens and blankets so frequently my washing machine can hardly keep up. I actually MOP after having guests, for fear that something icky may have been tracked into my home. Leaving the house has become such an epic event for us that its hardly even worth it anymore. Today I left the house for Indie's doctors visit armed with hospital masks, hand sanitizer and extra paper towels just for opening doors and pushing elevator buttons. Every time I pay for something I can't help but envision all of the germs that are being exchanged from hand to hand along with the money. I feel like I'm riding on the crazy train. Next stop: Tin foil hat town!

My obsessiveness isn't exactly out of line here. We ARE in fact currently living through a nasty cold and flu season, and Brooklyn IS currently neutropenic (meaning she doesnt possess the immune system to defend herself from illness) Life would be exponentially easier if everyone stayed out of the hospital for now. I just hope I'm not passing this germ crazy mentality on to my kids because its only temporary, I swear. The moment tax season is over (aka the end of flu season) and Brooklyn's immune system is back up, they can return to eating dirt at the playground. But for now, we live in a bubble and anyone who wants to come in better come packin' a flu shot and freshly washed hands.

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